
BarCode Image Verification and Quality Diagnostic Services

  • Effective barcode image quality resource for consumer goods, retail, automotive, aerospace, airline and medical industries.
  • Focused on the evaluation of barcode images of all types, shapes and sizes... printed on any substrate.
  • QuanTech has nearly three decades of barcode symbol verification (inspection) and quality consulting experience. 
  • Clients range from Fortune 100 companies to hundreds of smaller businesses, domestic and international.  
  • Proven independent outsource solution for barcode quality assurance, quality assessment, hardware and software product recommendations. 
  • Examination lab contains a wide assortment of image verification instrumentation and software, offering precise barcode image diagnostic services. 
  • Experts provide clear and informative technical assistance for clients and their suppliers. 
  • Competitive pricing, superior quality, rapid project turnaround times and prompt meaningful deliverables.
  • Fun, educational and productive work sessions facilitate personal and professional growth and builds teamwork.